

Is Not What You Think

The Finishing Touch

Full Book synopsis/summary:

Philip Ripley Ward’s masterful achievement, Golf Is Not What You Think – The Finishing Touch, depicts the life work of an independent golf specialist who, having been a teacher since 1979, began nearly 20 years prior.

The insight he learned from “circling the mountain” for 40 years makes this offering so much more than just another instruction manual. He shares his expertise via engaging twists of personal experiences mixed with an abundance of witty satire, if not a very dry humor, throughout. It also provides easy-to-understand techniques that can be applied at any level.

The book also imprints the author’s difficulties in overcoming health issues along the way as he struggles to break through challenges related to faith and trusting God. Marvelous surprises!


Excerpt #1: “God keeps teaching me that there is an ease to be found in each and everyone of us…”

Excerpt #2: I tried so hard! Why did I fail? I thought I was good enough…” “Well, let me be honest. That’s what you got for thinking. You had it coming.”

Excerpt #3: “Do I have to play like everybody else, or, can I play my own game?”

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